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Insulin Like Growth Factor 2: Test IGF2
Insulin Like Growth Factor 2:
IGF2 Gene Test

A test for the IGF2 gene is now available for the Canadian swine industry through the Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI). CCSI has signed a license agreement with GENTEC, Belgium for testing of the IGF2 gene in Canadian pig populations. The test for this gene will be conducted by the Laboratory Services Division of the University of Guelph through CCSI. The breeders and producers will now have the opportunity to use this gene, which has very special characteristics to help produce pigs that are more uniform and have the desired level of leanness. The gene test can be used either to increase or decrease the lean yield in the market hogs.

Contact Information:

Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement
Attn.: Brian Sullivan
Central Experimental Farm
Building #54
Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6
Tel.: (613) 233 8872
Fax.: (613) 233 8903
Email: info@ccsi.ca
Webpage: www.ccsi.ca

Sample Submission:

Swine IGF2 Program
Lab Services, University of Guelph
95 Stone Road West, Guelph
Ontario, Canada N1H 8J7
Tel.: (519) 767-6210
Tel : (519) 823-1268(Reception)
Email: DNAtest@lsd.uoguelph.ca