SADD (Animal Breeder's Tool Kit) SADD NAME sadd - add two sparse stored matrices SYNOPSIS sadd [-z](matrix file) [-z](matrix file)[*s] (output matrix file) DESCRIPTION sadd adds conforming SPARSE stored matrices, placing the results in a SPARSE stored matrix file. Matrices in the first two files named will be added together, with the result written to the third file named. -z must be used to indicate an input matrix file is compressed. With *s following the second matrix name, elements of that matrix will be multiplied by the scalar s before matrices are added. When adding SPARSE stored matrices, sadd is considerably faster than add, which operates on matrices in any storage mode. EXAMPLE sadd -zzbtrzb -zv*.05 zb.A adds the matrix stored in the compressed file zbtrzb.Z to the matrix stored in the compressed file v.Z. Elements of the matrix in v.Z are multiplied by 0.05 before addition. BUGS sadd operates on SPARSE stored matrices only. SEE ALSO add