SHCAT (Animal Breeder's Tool Kit) SHCAT NAME shcat - horizontally concatenate SPARSE stored matrices svcat - vertically concatenate SPARSE stored matrices SYNOPSIS shcat [-z](matrix file) [-z](matrix file) [[-z](matrix file ...] (output matrix file) svcat [-z](matrix file) [-z](matrix file) [[-z](matrix file ...] (output matrix file) DESCRIPTION shcat horizontally appends rows of any number of matrices, in the order the matrix files are named, writing the result to the last file named. All input matrices must have the same number of rows. svcat vertically appends columns of any number of matrices, in the order the matrix files are named, writing the result to the last file named. All input matrices must have the same number of columns. shcat and svcat require that at least three files be named, two input matrix files and an output matrix file to contain the result, although more that two input matrices may be listed. The result will be written to standard output if a dash (-) is used instead of a file name as the final argument. -z must precede the name of any compressed input matrix file. EXAMPLES shcat mtm mtxs mtxb -zmtxcg - | compress >m_eq.Z builds the compressed matrix file m_eq.Z from mtm, mtxs, mtxb and mtxcg.Z, so that m_eq = [mtm mtxs mtxb mtxcg]. svcat -zm_eq xs_eq xb_eq -zxcg_eq - | compress >C.Z builds the compressed matrix file C.Z from m_eq.Z, xs_eq, xb_eq and xcg_eq.Z, so that | m_eq | C = | xs_eq | | xb_eq | | xcg_eq |