Animal Breeder's Tool Kit
Windows Version



Originally developed by  Bruce Golden, Colorado State University
Compiled to run under Windows environment by Pramod Mathur and Paul Abraham, Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI)

Click here to download a zip file containing the executables. This also contains some of the commonly used UNIX utilities such as 'cat', 'cut', 'paste' etc. that are also required to run these programs.

Click here to download a PDF file containing the User's Guide by Golden et. al. This document describes the uses under the UNIX environment. The same syntax can be used to run these programs from an MS DOS prompt, through an MS DOS Batch file. These utilities can also be used through programs written in C or any other programming language.

Click here to view manual pages for some of the programs

What you need to do:

1. Unzip the contents of the zip file in a directory E.g.: c:\abtk_windows_pkm
2. Open a Command prompt window (Start ->Programs->Acesssories->Commad prompt)
3. Change to the directory where you have the abtk programs: (cd c:\abtk_windows_pkm)
4. Enter the name of the program to get the syntax. For example, the program for building the inverse
numerator relationship matrix and inbreeding coefficients is called (E.g. ainv). If you enter ainv at the command prompt,
it  will give you the following syntax:
   ainv [-a][-v (ainv file)] -i (in file) -o (out file)
5. Create the necessary files in a an ASCII text format e.g. using Notepad (E.g.pedigree.txt )
6. Run the program using the appropriate syntax. For example:  ainv -v ainv.txt -i pedigree.txt -o inbred_lst.txt
You will get :
ainv.txt : Sparse matrix file containing the inverse numerator relationships
inbred_lst.txt: List of nonzero inbreeding coefficients

More information is available at:

These tools can also be used for estimation of Connectedness

Click here for more information on programs for estimating connectedness.

The information and documentation of the programs is not complete. However, the programs that we complied for our own use are made available for those who are interested. So, use them at your own risk and have fun...!

If you need more help contact